Bring your game to AAA status through Post Processing!
Objective: Add Post Processing effects to our game.
We set up our project with a post processing profile in the last post. Now we can start adding effects to enhance the visual aspects of the game. Unitys post processing has a number of different effects.
We’ll start by adding the Bloom effect. Bloom intensifies an objects material. Be careful increasing the intensity as it may be too much for general use.
As you can see from the examples above, 50 was way too high and ruined the details in the sprites and images, where 10 gives a nicer glow to them.
The Chromatic Aberration effect doesn’t really work too well in this scene but it could be used for something like a nice warp speed effect if the game was moving levels with some specific player animation to make it look like its traveling into the scene instead of 2D.
Next we’ll look at the Color Grading effect. To use the HDR we need to make some slight tweeks to the project. Go to File, Build Settings, Player Settings, Other Settings and change the Color Space from Gamma to Linear. This will recomile the project but allow us to use tone mapping.
The Tonemapping allows you to choose from a selection of modes. We’ll use ACES for this project. The White Balance gives you a choice between temperature and tint. Temperature on its own will give you a more cold blue the lower the values and a warmer yellow/orange the higher the value. Tint on its own will give you a more green look with lower values and a purple with higher. Mixing the two will vary the output.
As we are in space, a slight blue tint, a little bloom and some auto exposure settings will do.
In the next post, we will move on to some audio.