How to Build and Test your Unity Game
Objective: Build and run the standalone game.
Unity comes with many deployment options. These range from PC and Mac to Mobile, Web , Consoles and more. To build, go to File, Build Settings and choose the platform you want to build for. We’ll go with the default platform as we will be building for PC. If you open Player Settings, you can change details such as the company name, product name and version along with other settings such as icons, resolutions and more.
One note, if you build your game for Exclusive Fullscreen, you need to have implemented functionality to quit the game as features like hitting the escape key to exit fullscreen need to be created. Without iplementing this, the safest option is to build in a windowed mode with a set resolution.
Close the Player Settings and select build. This will ask you to save your build in a selected folder. Once the build is finished, the folder where you saved the build will pop up, giving up an executable version of your game. Double-click to run the game and if the exit feature wasn’t created, use the close button to end the game when you’re finished.
In the next post, we will build the game for Web and Host it